This is a special one for us! Erin has been an amazing friend for a very long time and at one point was a youth group student under Mark when we first came to our church, Hope Community Church in Cottage Grove. We have watched her grow up, we have seen her go off to college and come back to find a job, and we have prayed with her for her future hopes and dreams.
For a date of October 22 in Minnesota, you just don’t know what weather you’re going to get. Chances of snow? That’s a real possibility here, but Sierra and Andrew’s wedding was on the perfect fall weather day. Think sixty degree weather, bright sunny skies, and a slight breeze. They could not have asked for a better day! These two were all smiles as they got ready for their wedding at their alma mater, Crown College. In fact, Crown College wasn’t just the college these two attended – it was the college they met at.
When your cousin from Michigan reaches out to see if you would be willing to photograph his wedding, you say an emphatic yes. Zak and Michaela met earlier this year online. Very early on, it was evident that they would be wanting to spend the rest of their life together. That is, after Michaela was not scared away by Zak’s super direct questions and answers. (Still would like to hear how the question on the Holy Spirit is going, you two!) We started to hear word from my dad’s family in Michigan that we should set aside some time for a trip out that way sometime this fall for a wedding. So when the text came, we started working quickly to find the time to do it and were so glad we were able to make it work. Getting to meet Michaela over zoom and then talk all things wedding in the next months were a fun way to get to know the couple before the big day. I had to remind myself while meeting her in person that it was the first time I had met her in person – I’m grateful that relationships can be formed over zoom these days!
Derek and Krystal chose an intimate wedding in Ohio at a beautiful venue that looked like an awesome castle. They are two people who love to just hang and relax with those that they love; so while searching online, they came across Saint Paul Brewing and asked family members to go check to see if it would be a spot that would work for a reception. Their family members fell in love and they booked the space, a perfect intimate reception for their Minnesota friends and family to celebrate their wedding eight months ago. Friends, family, food, and lots of fun throughout the night left the impression how these two are truly excited for this stage of life and loving each moment of it.
Trent & Erin's Wedding // Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Oakdale & Northern Stacks Events in MN6/14/2022 We love the personal stories behind each couple and seeing how their friends and family surround them to celebrate them on their day. This is definitely the case for Trent and Erin. These two, while nervous the first bit of the day, instantly relaxed once they saw each other at Guardian Angels Catholic Church (The church Erin was baptized in and went to preschool in as a child.) for their first look. From that point on through having so much fun dancing at Northern Stacks Events, they couldn’t help but overflow with joy and smiles.
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